Well, here I am blogging again after a rather long hiatus. To anyone who read before and is wondering what happened, I can honestly say I had no intention of ditching the blog for so long. My last post was in the first week of May and I had a lot on my mind then - and a lot has happened since.
I'm not going to go into all of the details of what proved to be a very fast summer, but I will say that I did spend much of the summer distracted with moving to a new apartment. One that I share with no one except for the cat. Take from that what you will, but things are good and one week ago today I moved into a little place to call my own. I'll put up pics soon.
Having completed the show for the library left me drained, physically and creatively as shows always do and the usual couple of weeks it takes me to bounce back spread into months. That, coupled with the heat and sunshine left me feeling summertime wanderlust - and I kept out of the house as much as possible.
All that aside, cool weather and fall months are fast approaching (especially recently when the days have been sweater-worthy and the evenings require-
gasp! -a jacket). I'll be spending more time round the house and since I have no tv until the end of the month I have no choice but to spend my time watching movies, listening to my 3 year old itunes library, and being creatively productive. And so here we are.
I've started work on this year's
Sketchbook Project so the following five images are the first five pages of the book. I'm not going to post every page as I go, but rather digitize and post the finished book. These I'm posting because I want to make up for the lack of new images from me for the last while. (This year's chosen theme is "Grey Side of Life")

...And a new five by seven. Just one. For now.

Finally, since TIFF is back this year and I can't afford to go to my usual ten screenings I've decided to continue on my quest to get 50 of
TIFF's essential 100. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Step one, membership at Queen Video.
...And York University's student newspaper The Excalibur did a write-up and interview on my library show
WHAT NOW? please read it
More photos, work, and stuff soon. For real this time, okay?