And my beloved book-on-a-windowsill shot. My little moleskine looks so lonely.

A bit of my fabric collection - displayed more prominently than in my old place. I used to keep it all in a box, but I figured having all of my art supplies out in the open would act as a constant reminder to do stuff with it.

Little camera collection, the star of the show being my beloved Minolta XG1. It's twelve years older than I am and it carried me through 6 years of studying analog photo in school.

And the best seat in the house (incidentally the only seat in the house) -my windowsill... and I've got a fourth floor view of a pretty tree-lined street.
Side note- I wish this were mine:

Maybe one day. (Image)
And now for three random images I've stumbled across on the internet and thought I'd share:

Illustrator Justin Van Genderen does these really cool retro posters. There's Star Wars themed ones and superhero themed ones (and a whole lot of other stuff too). (Image)

Another image found on ffffound. I just thought it was cute/awesome. (Image)

And summer's just about over, but sunglasses are cool all year round. Especially cool vintage ones. I found these guys on Etsy.
Well, it's Friday night and I'm eagerly awaiting a weekend visit from my mum. Brunch and Ikea tomorrow!
Til next time.
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