Yay! It's the long weekend and I actually have all three days off! It was kind of an accident - I originally booked off Saturday and Sunday for a trip to Montreal, but it was postponed and I forgot to un-book the days off. Then, after telling my boss I could come in Monday, she gave me the day off anyway! Yay for [Canadian] Thanksgiving and getting a bit of work done. And there's a lot of work to be done, believe me. There's this blog, which though I have been updating regularly, feels like it needs a little more tlc. Then there's my independent study course which I'm so, so excited about but haven't been able to really delve into yet, and there's my sketchbook project book...so, happy thoughts of productivity are currently running through my head.

Here's another sketchbook project spread, going along with my chosen theme. I'm enjoying my progress so far, but I want to slow down and take some more time with some of the pages - I want at least some of the pages to be more "finished" looking and so far they've been pretty sketch...ish. Maybe this weekend, we'll see.

I've also recently ordered five new designs for greeting cards, so now there's a total of eight of my designs available. This is a little peek at the new designs and packaging. You can check out my etsy to view full images and to buy, if ya want.
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