I've started this blog in an attempt at trying to trick myself into being productive. It's my goal to post two new drawings on this blog once a week, hence the name "two per week" and the url: five-by-seven (the drawings will be that size).
A little about myself: My name is Tori. I'm in art school, for the time being. I'm all set to graduate later this spring. I'm waiting to see what the wide world has in store for me in the coming year - I've applied to graduate school with some small hopes of being accepted. We shall see.
At school, I study visual arts, with my focus on photography and drawing. I'm also an English minor. My drawings have been leaning more toward illustrations lately, and I'm going to keep going with that. So, here I am.
I'll get the ball rolling with a couple of images that though they weren't done this week, are indicative of what I do and what I'll be doing.
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