First is Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. I'm not sure how many times I've read it now, but I always get sucked in completely. Margaret Atwood creates a not-too-distant futuristic story about the environment, food, science, food science, and human nature. I'm not going to go too far in depth, but I will say that if I don't read this every year and a half or so, I feel like there's something missing. And it's my Canadian addition to the list!

Next is Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game. I didn't love the rest of the Ender series, but I did love the complimentary Ender's Shadow. They should be read back to back, in my opinion. I also read the Ender's Game comic book series (by Marvel), and while it was very well done, I think the story really benefits from the novel form - the story is much more about characterization and hero psychology than it is about outer space.

Finally, Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth. It is my comic book addition to the list and it is breathtaking. Which sounds really, really cheesy - I'll be the first to admit - but it's an apt description. This book made me cry. And not just a little tear or two welling up...it made me cry like a three year old who stubbed her toe. But the art and writing are both incredible. I could read it over and over, which is saying a lot because this book is like a marathon. I should know, I wrote two papers on it (simultaneously, but on completely different topics) in third year.
Okay folks, I'm officially a nerd. Two sci-fi books and a graphic novel. Ah well, check back on the weekend for art!
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