As the blog name promises, here are two new five by sevens for the week. Even though it's already two in the afternoon, I'm looking forward to a good day today. It's bright, cold, sunny, and I'm already zipping my way through my list of things to do. I'm (almost) done my post for today, then I'm going to compose a proposal that involves my (more serious) art and a library. Fingers crossed, I'm hoping this proves to be a good opportunity.
I mentioned last art post that I was trying to incorporate more French text in my work for reasons unsaid. Well, I may as well say why...I've been in contact with a gallery in Montreal about my work since the summer. Now they've got three of my pieces and my bio, so that's that. They've been fantastic and hopefully I'll be showing up on their website soon and on their walls in the not too distant future. Je suis très heureux :)
In other news, I'm starting a new large piece today, a gift promised to someone back in December. I thank him for his patience and by the end of the week he'll have a new, shiny, work of art hanging on his wall.

My fiction project book arrived in the mail the other day and despite setting my goal to get started on it over a week ago, I still haven't done much more than open the brand new black moleskine and flip through the pages. So, that goal still stands - this week I will start this thing. But in in the interest of being productive and goal oriented, my new mini goal for the week is to do yoga three times. I've managed to catch a couple classes last week and really enjoyed it. I'm already going tomorrow morning before work, so what's twice more?

And since I'm still trying to keep my new year's resolution to take more photos, here's a pic of my tin of pencils and pens (the one I take on the road with me), my receipt book and weekly planner by drop around letterpress, and my washi tape all stacked up on top of my fiction project notebook. Hopefully that little collection of things will leak inspiration into the book so that when I open it up it'll be ready to go.
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