Weekends have been going by so. fast. Probably because weekends always go by fast, and summer always goes by fast, so weekends in the summer must go by extra fast. Must be it. On the plus side, I've started work for the show. The top two posted here are going to be part of the twelve five by seven illustrations in the show. I want them all to have a 3-dimensional component to them, and then to be framed in shadowboxes. So, 2 down, 10 to go! The nice thing about working in this size is that they are (well they can be) quick, and they don't take up much space.
My apartment is studio-less. A one bedroom with two people, two cats, and no air conditioning is not the most conducive to clean, organized, stress-free creativity. The nice thing is, we've got an air conditioner being delivered tomorrow and I've staked out a corner of the living room where I've built my nest of workspace. I'll explain that. Never having had a proper studio space, I've had to adapt. I usually lay all of my supplies (watercolours, pens, pencils, papers, fabric, sewing machine, and glue) in a semi-circle on the floor with an empty spot in the centre for me to sit in. Then, I add a big glass of ice water and a mug of coffee and the nest is complete. I have spent hours and hours, sometimes all-nighters, in this set-up. My back is usually sore the next day, but it works for me.
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